November 4, 2008

Election Night 2008.

America will find out who their next President will be within the next couple of hours. It's kind of scary and nerve-wracking ... the uncertainty of it all. Honestly, it can go either way in my opinion. But whatever happens I am proud of my peers. Even if their reasons for going out to the polls today were wrong and misguided - I am glad that everyone went out and exercised their right; a right so many have worked so hard for and ultimately died for. We've finally gotten the point - only WE can make a difference. We are the future and we are responsible for who we put in charge.

I'm proud of America.

Right now polls are closing around the nation one by one, and as I type I am watching the Election Night 2008 coverage on CNN. It's so mind boggling, it appears to be so conflicted with their projections and whatnot. Mostly I'm anxious to see what's happened in the battleground states ... my state being one of them. I'd like to feel my 6:15am vote in 42degree weather made an inkling of difference. Fingers crossed. We don't want a repeat of the 2004 election fiasco. Not at all. I predict riots if it does.

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